In the Old Testament, in the book of Exodus, chapter 2, we read where a little boy was placed in a basket and set to float in the Nile River amongst the reeds. God provided his sister to keep an eye on him because he was helpless. He also provided Pharaoh's daughter, who felt compassion for him, also realizing that he was helpless. By God's providence, Moses was cared for by his own mother until he grew older. Our Moses was not found in a basket, but we realize that when God brought us together, it was for a purpose. Our Moses wasn't found in the Nile River, but he was found close to a river, the Amazon River. So, we have our "Moses basket" floating under tropical palm trees as a reminder that every day in life, someone is floating along life's river, needing a helping hand.
In Ephesians 2:10, we understand that it is out of obedience that we are able to extend that "helping hand." "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." As you read this web site, consider how God wants you to be used – perhaps as a Miriam or a Pharaoh's daughter in the life of some "Moses."
This web site is to thank those who have helped us in "The Moses Project," to give you an on-going up-date on how the kids are doing, and to encourage you in the Lord.
God bless you,
John Mark Bellington
Remembering Dr. Dean Glassman

I met Dean Glassman in April of 2000. As is the case for many people, somebody needed his help. I met Katiani the year before in northwest Brazil. She had bilateral cleft lip and complete cleft palate. Through friends in Jacksonville, FL., we brough Katiani to see Dean. With his great skill as a surgeon, he was able to help her look beautiful. And a wonderful friendship began between Dean and myself. Several years later, Dean came to Brazil and we accomplished in a week what would take years to do bringing kids to the US. Through the years with multiple trips, Dean has changed the life of hundreds of kids, giving of his time and talent and giftedness to humbly help those who had nothing to offer him but their thanks. I’ve never met a man that was so skilled, so full of life, so fun. He was a prince! There is a phrase Dean learned in Portuguese, “Tudo bem,” which means loosely – “everything is good.” So we would greet each other with that through the years of texts or phone calls. So, tudo bem, Dean! I will miss him.